
Virtual Book Launch Event

Friday 29th May is the day of the launch of my third Willie Morton thriller, Oblivion’s Ghost. Unlike the previous titles in my “Scottish espionage” series, it is not being launched in a real bookshop, due to the pandemic, but is being launched virtually in a virtual bookshop, courtesy of Facebook Live. It will take the format of the usual launch event with short readings, a bit about me and my writing. I’ll be answering the questions you post in and giving away some free copies of the paperback and ebook. Promises to be a lively event and at present around 111 folk are either going or interested. The downside is – you’ll have to bring your own wine! Another issue is hair! Because none of us can get to the barbers… well, I might be forced to resort to a variety of hats, balaclavas or wigs to conceal the alarming appearance of what passes for hair on my head. I’ll try to remain professional despite that. I’m hoping to get asked lots of interesting questions, whether you’ve read my previous titles or not. This time around, a small army of volunteers agreed to read the advanced proof of the novel, and some of them will be coming along, so it feels more like a team effort. Thanks to all those – you know who you are. The Facebook Live event starts at 6pm (till 7pm), and all book-lovers are welcome. Look forward to interacting with you then!

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