My short story ‘We Are An Island’ has been published in Causeway/Cabhsair 13:2, the journal of Irish and Scottish Writing. Issue 13:2 is well up to the usual high standard with 32 contributors including Liam Boyle, Kevin Cahill, Gavan Duffy and Nuala O’Farrell and our own Jennifer Morag Henderson, Judith Taylor, Martin Raymond among very many other interesting contributions. My story is a positive, optimistic account of an English couple’s migration to a Hebridean island and the new life they make there: It dramatises the dictum that we are all migrants and what really counts is not where we came from but the empathy and commitment we show in your new community. Copies of the magazine can be ordered online by googling the title or Aberdeen University Press, price £6. It’s a very valuable publication and deserves support of readers.