
Forthcoming Event – Dundee Literary Festival

I am looking forward to participating in an event on Thursday 19th at 5pm in the Bonar Hall Dundee,  celebrating 70 years of Abertay Historical Society publications.  As an Abertay author myself – Vol 1&2 of Dundee’s Literary Lives 2003/4 (see Non-Fiction page), I will be speaking along with other AHS authors and Billy Kay. Full details at: https://literarydundee.co.uk/festival/think-local-exploring-dundees-history-for-70-years

New Site under construction

Apologies for the lack of information on the site, which is presently under reconstruction.

I have had a website presence since 2002 in various formats however a couple of weeks ago, due to circumstances beyond my control my site disappeared.

I am working hard to restore it. Thanks for your interest.

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